There have been significant changes in networking over the past few years but there’s no doubt that any have been more significant than software-defined WAN, or SD-WAN. The technology has been coined ‘the silver bullet to networking’ and it’s no surprise that interest among end users is building rapidly.

Large enterprises today often have multiple branch offices, users in different locations and a multitude of applications in the public and private cloud. Legacy WANs simply weren’t built to support the number of users and devices there are today so businesses are turning to SD-WAN to address their challenges.

So, how exactly does the technology work?

In a nutshell, SD-WAN decouples network software from the underlying hardware providing a central control function to intelligently and securely direct traffic across the WAN improving application performance, user experience and productivity as a result. It gives network administrators the ability to distribute new rules, policies and configurations across the network of any scale within seconds, which traditionally would need to be manually defined and programmed.

SD-WAN solves the challenges of the traditional WAN and in the UK its benefits are primarily found in four key areas: greater network visibility, connection flexibility, centralised management and traffic control.

We can help you deliver

In the crowded SD-WAN marketplace, end users face the challenge of identifying who to partner with. What’s clear is that there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution as businesses and their needs vary in so many ways. So, channel partners need to go to market with a vendor agnostic approach in order to offer an end-to-end solution that meets their customers’ unique needs.

We’ve created a partner guide to selling SD-WAN, providing valuable insight in to the SD-WAN market and the partner opportunities. Click here to download your copy and discover how we can help you deliver.