My customer wants to improve the security of their infrastructure

Never before has the security risk to IT infrastructures been greater; the rise of cloud computing, the shift towards flexible working environments and greater adoption of software-defined architectures, amongst other things, has been accompanied by an increase in attack vectors and availability of information to be targeted and exploited.

When considering end user security projects or support it is essential to be sure of the calibre of the partner which is brought into the engagement.

At Comms-care, security is built in by design; our technical services personnel have security clearances to the highest level which means that by partnering with Comms-care you ensure that not only is any solution designed using the latest secure innovation but it is delivered by the right professional.



Our dedication to security excellence is echoed by our ISO27001 accreditation which, unlike many companies, spans our entire business rather than a single process or department.

Comms-care can work with you to help improve the security of your customers’ infrastructures with the benefit of:

  • A dedicated Security practice to deliver security-based projects
  • Multi-vendor approach to ensure a true ‘best of breed’ solution
  • Ingram Micro Group investment in cyber security solutions
  • Integration with Comms-care Managed Services to ensure the infrastructure stays up to date with latest patches and software releases

Read more about our security solutions and capabilities here.


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